Thursday 23 May 2013

Emotional Networking for Parenting.

Parenting is not an easy task. It is adapting a new lifestyle, a new routine to the day and a whole new bunch of responsibilities. In the current pace of life, the day might just end at a single wink and still tasks to be accomplished. We have all been on the social side of the online world. Have all decorated the social garden of our egos and our accomplishments and how good as parents we can be.

Sharing a few or many or thousands of cute baby pictures, how our babies eat,drink milk or sleep oh so cutely!, might get us the attention to divert our minds temporarily off the bigger picture- the emotional needs of parents, mainly mothers. How does a typical working mother or a housewife with kids start her day? Get up in the morning, make a schedule in the mind about the kids breakfast, school, lunch, snacks and dinner. Also in between comes the added extra activities we enroll our kids in, the homework, the classes and of course them sleeping on time.

Ever wondered, how as a global chain of parents, we can all come together to guide and advice each other about the easing of life? is an anonymous emotional networking platform launched with the vision to let users express their emotions, their feelings and connect with others feeling the same way in total anonymity. Over the period of time, we can analyze the reports offered to users to track our emotions, see the reasons behind them and also check the actions we took on the basis of these emotions. Connecting with soul friends can be of great help to create a global chain of humans feeling the way they do and wanting to overcome these patterns.

Also there are experts from various fields to connect with, if we need the guidance and tips for anything which might be holding us back- be it a simple issues like weight loss, a bigger one like parenting tips or a grave one like death of a dear one.These experts help in our effective journey of self realization and self growth. From the parenting aspect, just visualize a "circle of trust" of all parents anonymously discussing the issues they face, the emotions they feel and the ways in which they resolve those issues. Can we get insights, solutions and answers to the simplest and most complex questions as parents from other parents, their experiences and through parenting experts all over the world for many issues we face?

Let's take time off from decorating our social walls and connect emotionally, because it is a simple truth of life that- "Delve within before looking around and the whole perspective might change".