Friday 21 September 2012

Online Jewelry Market Growth- India

The Indian Jewelry Market is growing at a rapid rate. Also online jewelry purchase in India has seen a sudden rush over the the last two years. Catching up with the West, as they call it, Indians are now getting more into the technological assistance mode of purchase for jewelry. Till some time back, Items such as Wrist Watches and Cheap Electronics took up the major share of the online Purchase Market in India. But over the last few years these articles are now sharing the Top Positions with many other commodities.
                  One of them is Jewelry- both real and imitation. The Jewelry market in India was basically traditionally run. The prospective client arrived at the showroom, surely with a friend or a trusted relative and inspected the products the jeweler had to offer. After thoroughly inspecting the designs the consumer would then mull over it for a few days, discuss with their intimate circle and then finally maybe make a purchase. These are the days and trends long gone. Today most of the people are looking for their desired products online due to many reasons:

1. An almost limitless display of products at the click of a button.
2. Viewing of designs and jewelry articles online in the convenience of their own house,office.
3. Complete details and transparency provided by almost all jewelers online nowadays.
4. Certification now a necessary aspect to sell high-end or diamond related jewelry.
5. Sharing of designs and ideas has become easy online due to social bookmarking sites, slide share, etc.
6. More and more adopting technological assistance for day to day routine in the country.
7. The trend of Credit Card Payments and EMI systems are growing, making it easier for customers to plan their purchase.
                          There are also many other factors which are encouraging the growth of online jewelry market in India. More and more younger people- working couples, Part Time working Students are contributing towards jewelry purchase. For this group of people, online availability of millions of such products is the best option.
                           Newcomers in the jewelry field see the online mode of business as the best way to get global exposure for their brands and also helps them gain more financial strength to increase their product line by erasing costs such as office rentals, electricity and staff. So the best idea would be to hop onto this bus while it is still just taking off as the opportunities ahead seem to know no bounds.

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