Monday 1 October 2012

Fashion styles for kids-What they want!

Today the younger generation is much more smarter than the previous lot. They are progressing in a lot fields much earlier in age than they use to before. Computers, technology, thirst for more knowledge and growing awareness of fashion, styles and trends are some of the aspects they are constantly updating themselves with.
                     Gone are the days when kids would put on whatever the parents would decide and doll them up with. Today the decision more so relies on what kids like and what they find attractive and trendy. Jewelry for kids has also taken prominence in the current times and the trends show that the importance will only grow with times ahead. Today kids want to check out every option that is available to them and choose what they figure is best suited to them. The web world offers limitless options and ideas for us to go through and Google has made it even simpler. The younger lot searches on the internet as much as we do or maybe even more.
                      This constant hunger for options and diversity has changed the outlook of many business enterprises concentrating on kids stuff. They want to or may I say have to, keep up with the latest not only in their surroundings but on the global front. Business models are changing with the ever changing new dynamics and people are evolving their ideas based on global trends and styles.
                         At Tanyas Jewelry, we try to adapt to these constant changes too and keep up with them. Being a mother to a 5 month old daughter, helps further as I try to relate my ideas, thoughts and designs to how it would look on my girl and more importantly would she like to adorn them. A personal touch to your business model will always bear better results as you can judge the results on the direct audience- you yourself.
                         We always hope that our ideas and creations inspire happiness and satisfaction not in the mothers but the kids who adorn our jewel pieces. As it will be they, who will wear our jewelry and inspire us with their new ideas and demands.

For more info about Tanyas Jewelry visit us on Facebook and check out our ideas and put in yours for the world is nothing but the ideas which created it:


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