Friday 21 December 2012

Latest Fashion Trends for Girls

Airplane Earrning for Kids

Fashion has always been a significant part of our lives. We all like to dress-up in the best clothes and wear the finest accessories to present ourselves in our most excellent form. This creates a good impression on the people we meet. Fashion has also been a matter of identity and personality. People having different personalities; dress differently. The casual or sophisticated nature of a person can be noticed by the way he or she dresses. While both genders are equally fashion-conscious, girls and women have been known to be a tad more concerned about the way they look, than men. Fashion not only includes clothes and accessories, but it also includes hairstyle, footwear and a few other things.

Fashion, as we all know, changes and evolves with time. In the 70s and 80s, bellbottom pants, afro-cut hair, handlebar moustaches and humongous sideburns ruled the scene. Today, it is all about designer dresses and hair colour. It is also a region specific phenomenon. Fashion in the western world is not always the same as the eastern world, and trends in cold regions are not always the same as fashion in warm regions. The best place to keep oneself updated about the latest trends are fashion magazines, television, theatre and of course, the internet. Movie and television stars also have a great impact on the ever-evolving trends in the market. Latest movies and TV shows spark trends, which are followed by the fans.

A large number of brands today manufacture designer clothes, accessories and footwear, which are unique in terms of its make and design. These brands follow the latest fashion trends in the market and deliver their products accordingly. For example, a brand that manufactures necklaces, bracelets and earrings for girls will pay attention to the trending metals, gems and the designs in the market, and manufacture their product according to the desired taste of the people. Earrings for girls that are available today might not be in the market tomorrow.

Today, the latest fashion trend for girls is based on the themes of cool and independent. Stoles and one-piece designer dresses do a pretty good job of supporting these themes. Young girls in colleges and workplaces can be seen wearing snazzy outfits and carrying trendy bags. This helps them in showing their confidence and individuality comfortably. This is usually prevalent in teens as they leave the protective shells of their families and face the outside world for the first time. Making a good impression is of utmost importance to them. Teens follow fashion more than any other age group and adapt to the latest trends with ease, as what might be the trend today may be passé tomorrow.

Monday 17 December 2012

What Kids Really Want?

Simley Earrings for Girls

Have you ever wondered what children really want? Sure, the first things that come to the mind are toys, attention and unconditional love. However, there is more. When we, as adults, socialise and present ourselves to the outside world, we tend to dress up and groom ourselves. Children watch us while we do all this and wish to do the same too. They wish to adorn themselves with desirable jewellery and nice looking clothes. However, a kid’s wish is always inexpensive and uncomplicated. For example, cool earrings for girls will have butterflies, flowers and candy canes which are pink, purple or violet in colour.

Children’s jewellery pieces, however, are made specifically according to their taste. They have cuteness and innocence written all over them. A lot of companies out there manufacture good jewellery using simple designs for children. These products include pendants, rings, bracelets and earrings for girls and boys alike. As adults, we all have a child inside us, don’t you agree? We all desire the better things in life, and we all wish to buy the things we like. This stands true for children too. This is what they really want. They want to look and act like adults and they want to get the best things for themselves too. This is also a part of their grooming process. This is how they will grow up, grooming and presenting themselves. Such social skills are important in the world today and can help children with self-confidence.

Pink Butterfly Earrings for Girls
Dressing up and adorning oneself has also been a matter of identity with most people, even kids. We wear our favourite colours and designs that speak a little about us. People wearing loud and flashy jewellery turn out to be of similar nature and the same stands for people who wear small but classy jewellery. This is true in the case of children too. For example, pink butterfly earrings for girls suggest that the child’s favourite colour is pink and that she likes butterflies. At the same time, they also suggest that the girl is a sensitive and lovable child who probably likes animals. This is true since people who like pink usually have such personalities.

Purple Earrings For Girls
We all know that children like a lot of things and desire pretty much everything that they see. But there are a few things that they really desire from the bottom of their hearts. Now that we know what these things are, we can connect with our children on a whole new level. We can connect to their needs and show them our love by buying them things they really desire. So go ahead today and buy blue bracelets for your boys and purple earrings for girls and help them grow comfortable with their own personalities.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Shopping for kids jewelry

Keeping up with the latest in trends, our little ones are not to be left behind. Today, we as parents want nothing but the best for our children. Be it clothes, toys, schools and even jewelry. The kids themselves want to be given many choices to choose from. They want to know that they have seen many options before they set their eyes on the best thing for them. As this trend seems to be on a constant up-move, we as parents feel the need to keep up with it.
                                       The best trend right now is to to over the web and get thousands of options for just about everything. Be it clothes and you need to just type the search words and you will come across hundreds of styles to choose from. The same goes for toys and baby products and almost everything. Online jewelry shopping for kids has also seen a tremendous growth in recent times. With parents shuttling between their work and children, this seems to be the best option to go for.
                                       What is the best outcome of this? Well, the kids themselves can go over the vast number of options available and choose from an array of cute, fun-filled and latest designs. As the latest survey goes, children's pendants are amongst the favorites and fast selling products. The number of options available for children is astounding and overwhelming.
                                        The next in line is children's earrings. Earrings for kids are available in many styles as well as many metals. Be it gold earrings, gold-plated earrings, sterling silver earrings or plain costume earrings. The designs options are almost limitless. Be it cute flower designs or butterfly earrings. Also many comic characters are available bestowed in the earrings for littles ones to enjoy.
                                        Tanyas jewelry is a complete kid's jewelry specialization concept. We want the kids to adorn our products so they can enhance the beauty of every product available at our online store. Visit us online at :

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Rings: Rings are fun for children and babies because they are easy to wear. Sterling silver children’s jewelry and gold plated children's rings will last a long time.
.       Bracelets: Children's bracelets are adorable and make a perfect jewelry gift. Bracelets for children are available in many different styles. Cuff bracelets made of silver are the best options.

  Earrings: Many parents choose to pierce their child's ears at a young age. This makes earrings a good option for kids who wish to adorn jewelry and follow fashion at an early age. 925 sterling silver or rhodium polished earrings are affordable jewelry styles as kids tend to also lose the novelty of things as fast we adults do.

Sets: Children's jewelry sets are a good gift specially on occasions like birthdays or for Indian kids jewelry- during Diwali or Auspicious occasions.

For all these and many more designs for kids jewelry and fashion accesories:

Monday 15 October 2012

Silver v/s Gold

Anyone and almost everyone in the world has witnessed the phenomenal rise in gold prices over the last decade. People of the older generation are stunned as they witness the change in the price which is beyond belief. Even a set back due to the financial crisis of 2008, the movement towards new highs by gold could not be deterred. But people are now feeling the pinch.
                                            It is more than obvious that as gold prices rise, so do prices for jewelry articles. Specially in a country like India, where the purchase of gold and jewelry articles is based on various religious and auspicious values, people are now wary of purchasing gold or gold articles. Along with gold, its partners in crime are named to be platinum and palladium. The above graph shows the rise in gold prices since 1800 till now.
                                          This has become a cause of concern not only for the public but also for people involved in the jewelry trade. As people have become more circumspect in their purchase of these metals, the sales for gold jewelry has also subsequently reduced. Enter silver and it brings a smile on the consumers face. Not to advocate that the silver prices have not risen as fast as gold, but it is still way cheaper than the traditional jewelry metal- gold.
                                           The latest taste in jewelry has moved a lot towards silver-specially 925 sterling silver which is gaining peoples approval for making jewelry. Making silver jewelry has many advantages:
1. It is also a precious metal- just like gold but much cheaper.
2. The metal has good amount of shine and in jewelry setting can easily pass off as gold to the common eye.
3. The metal in its 925 sterling form is durable, light and attractive to look at.
4. Silver jewelry can easily get rhodium polish with gold and is long lasting.
                                        We at Tanyas jewelry are also following this latest trend in order to see our clients smiling even while making their purchases. Most of our designs and products for kids jewelry are 925 sterling silver, cheap and affordable and full of fun for our little ones.

Do visit our page on Facebook to view our inspired designs and give your valuable feedback:                                            

Monday 1 October 2012

Fashion styles for kids-What they want!

Today the younger generation is much more smarter than the previous lot. They are progressing in a lot fields much earlier in age than they use to before. Computers, technology, thirst for more knowledge and growing awareness of fashion, styles and trends are some of the aspects they are constantly updating themselves with.
                     Gone are the days when kids would put on whatever the parents would decide and doll them up with. Today the decision more so relies on what kids like and what they find attractive and trendy. Jewelry for kids has also taken prominence in the current times and the trends show that the importance will only grow with times ahead. Today kids want to check out every option that is available to them and choose what they figure is best suited to them. The web world offers limitless options and ideas for us to go through and Google has made it even simpler. The younger lot searches on the internet as much as we do or maybe even more.
                      This constant hunger for options and diversity has changed the outlook of many business enterprises concentrating on kids stuff. They want to or may I say have to, keep up with the latest not only in their surroundings but on the global front. Business models are changing with the ever changing new dynamics and people are evolving their ideas based on global trends and styles.
                         At Tanyas Jewelry, we try to adapt to these constant changes too and keep up with them. Being a mother to a 5 month old daughter, helps further as I try to relate my ideas, thoughts and designs to how it would look on my girl and more importantly would she like to adorn them. A personal touch to your business model will always bear better results as you can judge the results on the direct audience- you yourself.
                         We always hope that our ideas and creations inspire happiness and satisfaction not in the mothers but the kids who adorn our jewel pieces. As it will be they, who will wear our jewelry and inspire us with their new ideas and demands.

For more info about Tanyas Jewelry visit us on Facebook and check out our ideas and put in yours for the world is nothing but the ideas which created it:


Saturday 29 September 2012

Latest designs for our Kid's Jewelry collection

Our latest collection for kid's earrings:
These and many more at Tanyas Jewelry-

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Latest Collection Of Kid's Jewelry

All these designs and many more available for your little ones at Tanyas Jewelry!
For more details:

Do visit our page and we would be delighted to attend to you.

All these designs and many more available for your little ones at Tanyas Jewelry!
For more details:
Do visit our page and we would be delighted to attend to you.
You can also visit our website and shop super-cute jewel pieces for your little ones at:

Friday 21 September 2012

Online Jewelry Market Growth- India

The Indian Jewelry Market is growing at a rapid rate. Also online jewelry purchase in India has seen a sudden rush over the the last two years. Catching up with the West, as they call it, Indians are now getting more into the technological assistance mode of purchase for jewelry. Till some time back, Items such as Wrist Watches and Cheap Electronics took up the major share of the online Purchase Market in India. But over the last few years these articles are now sharing the Top Positions with many other commodities.
                  One of them is Jewelry- both real and imitation. The Jewelry market in India was basically traditionally run. The prospective client arrived at the showroom, surely with a friend or a trusted relative and inspected the products the jeweler had to offer. After thoroughly inspecting the designs the consumer would then mull over it for a few days, discuss with their intimate circle and then finally maybe make a purchase. These are the days and trends long gone. Today most of the people are looking for their desired products online due to many reasons:

1. An almost limitless display of products at the click of a button.
2. Viewing of designs and jewelry articles online in the convenience of their own house,office.
3. Complete details and transparency provided by almost all jewelers online nowadays.
4. Certification now a necessary aspect to sell high-end or diamond related jewelry.
5. Sharing of designs and ideas has become easy online due to social bookmarking sites, slide share, etc.
6. More and more adopting technological assistance for day to day routine in the country.
7. The trend of Credit Card Payments and EMI systems are growing, making it easier for customers to plan their purchase.
                          There are also many other factors which are encouraging the growth of online jewelry market in India. More and more younger people- working couples, Part Time working Students are contributing towards jewelry purchase. For this group of people, online availability of millions of such products is the best option.
                           Newcomers in the jewelry field see the online mode of business as the best way to get global exposure for their brands and also helps them gain more financial strength to increase their product line by erasing costs such as office rentals, electricity and staff. So the best idea would be to hop onto this bus while it is still just taking off as the opportunities ahead seem to know no bounds.