Sunday 7 July 2013

Cultivating Hobbies in Kids.

In today's day and age life's taken the fastest paths available. Our lives are running by the clock continuously sometimes it's like 24 hours are not enough in a day, from morning to night we have got  things planned for us to do But by saying this this is not only for us but also for our children . Their lives have taken an even faster path then ours. Our kids lives have a plan from the moment they are born from their feeding time to there bath time, play time, sleeping time everything is decided. They start school so early in life like my daughter started her mother toddler program at the age of 8 months and since then has a charted plan for the day. Then ofcourse your playdates, never the less they are always there ! With this we have got all the new technologies like your iPads and all the great apps ,computers , smart phones with which these little babies are very savvy.

Seeing this shows us that we also need them to inculcate hobbies so that they enjoy their childhood and experience this time of their lives, because this innocent childhood never comes back.  Hobbies may vary from reading, painting, play dough, to even jewelry making. Stringing of beads not only is good to keep them occupied but also increases their motor skill. Making gorgeous stuff to then adorn themselves in is something I feel is a complete upper for them. Kids jewelry is something which makes these little angels feel good looking at the way their moms dress up they love copying the same . This jewelry defines them and creates their fashion statement 

Hobbies like reading or even browsing through pictures for our little ones is an excellent form of learning. Exploring with touch and feel books, sound books, pop up books not only amazes them but builds their curiosity to learn . With the sound books they gather the knowledge of which animal does what sounds, lives where, whether its a domestic or a wild animal. Building your child's cognitive skills is also very important painting and play dough do a great job in that field the touch, textures nd colors teach them a lot. So to say now in our daily charted out lives take out time for your little one to make their gorgeous kids jewelry paint draw and have a great time !

Tanya Rupani Shah is a mother and a jewelry designer, running an online kids jewelry platform called

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